URGENT! Next Class is LIVE on Thursday, April 18th at 6PM WAT / 1PM EST. Buy Now. This Special Offer Ends at Midnight Today! 


How We Generated 1154 Leads, 200+ New Customers and $10,000 in 30 Days From One Simple Course Funnel

Without running Ads, spending all day on social media or the headaches of selling manually.  PLUS, watch me build this EXACT Course Funnel LIVE in less than 30 minutes! 


"203 paid for my course before it launched! I have earned more than 10X my investment!"

With Eva’s expert guidance, I was able to create a marketing plan and sales funnel that worked! In 10 Days I had gotten 200+ people to pay for my online course. I will definitely recommend Eva, work with her.


"I've generated $60,080 in Passive income in the last 60 days!"

The right investment can change the game. I stopped seeing investing in my business as expenses and invested $5K in a marketing sales funnel that has now created $60,080 in passive income in the last 60 Days. Scared money don’t make money. Invest in your business.

Created a course that's not selling?

You’ve poured your heart into creating an online course but are struggling to see any tangible results or sales, leaving you questioning the impact and value of your work.

Still stuck in the rat race?

Despite having a wealth of knowledge to share, you’re stuck in the cycle of exchanging time for money, unable to leverage your expertise to create passive income streams.

Does the tech stuff push your buttons?

You’re overwhelmed by the technical aspects of online selling, from setting up funnels to automating your sales process, making you feel like you’re in over your head.

Is your sales strategy a mehhh?

You’ve tried various marketing strategies and platforms, but still, find yourself invisible in a sea of competitors, lacking the clarity and strategy to stand out.

If you're nodding along to any of these, you're in the right place.

This masterclass is designed to address these very challenges, equipping you with the knowledge, tools, and system to transform your online course into a thriving, automated business that sells itself.



The Real Secret to Getting Buyers for Your Course

Discover how to generate a flood of targeted leads and eager buyers for your course before it’s even created. If you’ve been saying- “no one would buy my course,” this first step alone will instantly smash that limiting belief 


No Digital Product? No Problem!

Learn 3 proven ways to start making money with your knowledge now, even before your course is ready. You’ll validate your course offer, gather invaluable testimonials, and build anticipation. This strategy demolishes the fears of not knowing how to create a course or worrying that no one will buy.


The Secret to Generating Endless Free Traffic

Your course needs buyers. I’ll show you the exact strategy my clients are using to drive endless free traffic to their course sales pages and funnels. Even if you have a small audience or find tech overwhelming, this approach simplifies the process, ensuring you’re not left bewildered by technology.

EARNINGS DISCLAIMER – The methods and strategies Eva teaches have helped a good number of her clients and students gain significant financial rewards but this is NOT in anyway a Guarantee that what is taught, shared or demonstrated will give you the same results.  

Nothing shared here should be taken as financial advice, or misconstrued as income guarantees. Results are not typical and defer from person to person. 

The sad truth is most people who invest in any trainings or courses will do absolutely nothing with the information shared from Proven strategies that work. I hope that if you’re reading this, you’re not one of such people *